por Mónica Dir. | Dic 28, 2020 | A2 KET, B1 PET, B2 FCE, C1 CAE, C2 CPE, Flyers, Mónica Directora, Movers, noticias, Starters
En los siguientes enlaces podréis ver las convocatorias de exámenes oficiales de Cambridge Assessment English. Estos calendarios están sujetos a modificaciones por lo que siempre es recomendable consultarnos directamente para remitiros a la información actualizada del...
por Mónica Dir. | Nov 15, 2020 | Flyers, Movers
Whether you know the difference between WHETHER, WEATHER or WETHER doesn’t matter with this activity. Weather
por Mónica Dir. | Nov 5, 2020 | Flyers, Movers
Time is money so let’s get to work on the time with this review. Time and routine
por Mónica Dir. | Oct 25, 2020 | Flyers, Movers
You are what you eat. So eat healthy. Check out the food activity we have this week. Food review
por Mónica Dir. | Oct 15, 2020 | Flyers, Movers
Today we’re going shopping!!! Let’s review the clothes Clothes Review
por Mónica Dir. | Oct 5, 2020 | Flyers, Movers
HI GANG!!! This week we are reviewing the animals and parts of their body. Have fun and see you in class! Animals review