Hey everybody! Here you have a Quiz where adults can beat the kids and teenagers in your household LOL! Good old days to remember.
Click the start button and enjoy the ride to the past. If you like it ask for more quizzes like this one.
por Mónica Dir. | Abr 9, 2020 | A2 KET, B1 PET, B2 FCE, BB2, BB4, C1 CAE, DM2, DM3, DM4, DM5, DM6, Flyers, Mónica Directora, Movers, Starters | 0 Comentarios
Hey everybody! Here you have a Quiz where adults can beat the kids and teenagers in your household LOL! Good old days to remember.
Click the start button and enjoy the ride to the past. If you like it ask for more quizzes like this one.